martes, 19 de enero de 2021

TUESDAY, 19th JANUARY 2021: Snow day 7.


We continue with the Regular Verbs in past simple:

ACTIVITY 1: Let's read this information about the regular verbs in past. Remember the grammatical rule:

ACTIVITY 2: Watch this video to remember the rules and to know how to write the negative and the interrogative in simple past tense. VIDEO.

ACTIVITY 2: Practice the regular verbs in Milton-Travelers. Go to your "assignments" and do the exercises!. 

ACTIVITY 1: PALEOLITHIC ART. People in the Paleolithic Era painted in cave walls. We can see paintings of wild animals and human hands. The type of this art is called "rock art" . The cave of Altamira (in Cantabria) is famous for these paintings. So special!! Watch this  interesting video: VIDEO. 😃
and this one as well: CAVE OF ALTAMIRA

ACTIVITY 2: Go to Milton-Travelers and have a look at the PALEOLITHIC FLASHCARDS. You will have to click on the image and read the words at the back of each one!!


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